Midnight show with Maya Hakvoort

Every musical enthusiast knows her: Maya Hakvoort is the Sisi actress of the musical Elisabeth and will bring musical flair to the ballroom at midnight.

This time we are once again offering a broad and colourful spectrum of outstanding artists, with something for every taste. As a special performance at midnight, you can expect a show by the multi-award-winning musical star Maya Hakvoort!

We are delighted that this top-class artist has agreed to perform. Maya Hakvoort, a native of the Netherlands, has been awarded the Golden Decoration of Merit of the Republic of Austria, the Golden Town Hall Man of the City of Vienna and the Decoration of Honour for Services to the Province of Lower Austria. In addition to her starring role as Empress Elisabeth ("Ich gehör nur mir", "Wenn ich tanzen will", "Nichts, nichts, gar nichts"), Hakvoort has played numerous other leading roles, including in the musicals "Chicago", "Les Misérables", "Evita", "Rebecca", "Sunset Boulevard", "Cats" and "High Society". With her own production company, Hakvoort produces her own solo programmes as well as the formats "Voices of Musical" and "The Music of Bond".

From December 2023, Maya Hakvoort will be back on stage as Norma Desmond in the hit musical "Sunset Boulevard" and is already preparing her new solo programme, which will premiere on 19 April 2024.

Hakvoort's engagement for the 26th Rainbow Ball is another reason not to miss this unforgettable ball night.

You can also expect many other artists, from classical music to DJs and drag performances. You can find an overview of all the acts here:

All artists


Maya Hakvoort

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Der Regenbogenball, die Regenbogenparade und unsere vielen anderen Veranstaltungen sind nur durch die großartige Unterstützung von engagierten ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiter*innen möglich. Sei auch du Teil davon und hilf mit beim nächsten Regenbogenball am 27. Jänner 2024! Gemeinsam feiern den Regenbogenball bereits zum 26. Mal und machen ihn auch dieses Mal zu einem ganz besonderen Ereignis für die LGBTIQ-Community.

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