HOSI Linz wins the 4th Rainbow Ball Award
The Rainbow Ball Award was presented for the fourth time. Here you can find all you need to know about the winning project.At the 27th Vienna Rainbow Ball, the 4th Rainbow Ball Award including a prize money of € 2,500 was officially handed over with the kind support of Out@L'Oréal/L'Oréal, an internal LGBTQIA+ network of employees of the L'Oréal Groupe. The winning project selected in advance by the Rainbow Ball organizing team was the community room of HOSI Linz.

“Especially in times like these, when there is a noticeable shift to the political right and a feeling of unease tends to settle in our heads, a space like this is particularly important. This makes it all the more important to have places where we can meet and, above all, feel safe,” says Michael Müller, spokesperson for HOSI Linz.
“Unfortunately, we live in a world that often harbors prejudice and exclusion. And our community space offers a safe haven and a stable basis for identity and self-development. That's why our youth group will be meeting twice a month in this room from February, which is something we are very happy about,” adds Silke Weiland, volunteer manager on the board of HOSI Linz.
More about HOSI Linz“We are honored to hand over the Rainbow Ball Award to HOSI Linz for the important ‘Community Space’ project. In a world where prejudice and exclusion are unfortunately still a reality, this space creates a place of safety and belonging - a second “living room” for people who are often unable to live free from fear in public spaces or even at home,” say Christopher Assigal and Patrick Klampfl from the Out@L'Oréal network.